Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

I sit here realizing how much I am blessed. In 25 minutes it will be Christmas..I still need to vacuum and bring up presents from the basement, help set up Santa's gifts...and for some reason it took till now to really hit me how lucky I am...I mean I always knew it...just certain times really make it stand out. I have a beautiful family...Husband who loves me to pieces and a precious baby girl who tells me she loves me all the time. We have so much to be thankful for. I can't wait till the morning when Sarah wakes up and opens all of her gifts. It's the best feeling to see her so happy and excited. Sure we went overboard with gifts. But it is so much fun to buy for her. We went to Christmas Eve service tonight. I got teary eyed when we sang certain songs. I really miss going to church on a regular basis. Sarah was really good. She swayed to the music and even tried to sing a couple of songs. It was really cute. She would clap after each song. There is a guy in the choir that looks alot like Santa. Dave and I wondered if she would see him. Well the last few songs had the choir spread out all over the church..and Santa was a couple of rows down from us. Sure enough, when the choir finished and started to leave..she shouts..."there's santa!" LOL I told her Jesus' birthday was tomorrow. She smiled at that. I want her to know our Lord. She likes to pray. Randomly she will say things like "Thank you Jesus for this box, and for cookies and for Poppa and Mama". (she was sitting in an empty storage container) My heart just swells and I am so proud of her! Isn't childhood innocence the best?! Well better rap this up. I hope that everyone can know the love of our Lord..especially this time of year. Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Very sweet post, Christine!
You truly are blessed.
hugs - Pep