I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted last! Dave gave Sarah her bath tonight and told her she needed to get some creame in her hair (leave-in conditioner) to which she started singing "creamy in her hair...creamy everywhere..I love the creamy girl" LOL It was sung to the I love the flower girl song. I sang just a couple of lines to her when she was younger and sniffing the flowers outside. LOL She loves to sing this and insert her own lyrics. Most of the time she has us in stiches when she does it. She also has started singing her ABC's...she gets most of them..but towards the end she will change them...like X becomes S. So she is really close to saying it right. I want to record her saying them but as soon as she knows I'm listening she stops...or starts picking letters at random. We had a good day at the grocery store today. She didn't use the "I don't like him/her" at all. She actually said "I like that lady...she's nice" at the checkout. I praised her for saying that..told her that was nice thing to say. We dove full steam ahead into potty training today. I set up a posterboard with her name at the top and squares next to each day to put stickers in. She used the potty four times today...only had one accident (#2). I bought a few goodies at the Dollar Tree for her rewards. At first she said I don't want any rewards..I don't want to use the big potty. But when she got up this morning she was ready to wear big girl diapers. (pullups) Now she is running all over the house asking if it is bedtime! LOL I pray that means tonight will go smoothly as I am on duty. hehe Better get her tucked in!